To meet requirements for safety, sustainability and openness, Gratanglaks works with several voluntary certifications. Through the certifications, we can document and improve our production of salmon.
Here you will find reports in accordance with the ASC-standard for our facilities that are or will be certified.
Kjøtta V Localitynumber 32257
County: Troms og Finnmark
Municipality: Harstad
MAB: 5500 tonnes
Last release: 2020-generation
ASC certification status: Under certification
Listed diseases: None
Status salmon lice: View data on Barentswatch
Other certifications: GlobalG.A.P. Download certificate
Deviation between released and slaughtered fish:
Information available after slaughter of current generation.
Coordinated control of salmon lice:
View info on Samordnet bekjempelse av lakselus (IPM)
Wildlife interactions - birds and mammals:
No registrations by current generation. Updated continuously.
Myrlandshaugen Location number 11332
County: Troms og Finnmark
Kommune: Gratangen
MAB: 5500 tonnes
Last release: H2021-generation
ASC sertification status: Under sertification
Listed diseases: None
Status salmon lice: View data on Barentswatch
Andre sertifiseringer: None
Deviation between released and slaughtered fish:
Information available after slaughter of current generation.
Coordinated control of salmon lice:
View info on Samordnet bekjempelse av lakselus (IPM)
Wildlife interactions - birds and mammals:
No registrations by current generation. Updated continuously.
Skjærvika Lokalitetsnummer 11334
Fylke: Troms og Finnmark
Kommune: Gratangen
MTB: 5900 tonn
Siste utsett: V24-generasjon
ASC sertifiseringsstatus: Sertifisert
ASC sertifikat: ASC sertifikat
Listeførte sykdommer: Ingen
Status lakselus: Se informasjon på Barentswatch
Andre sertifiseringer: GlobalG.A.P
Avvik mellom utsatt og utslaktet fisk (EUL):
V24: Oppdateres etter utslakt
Koordinert bekjempelse av lakselus:
Samordnet bekjempelse av lakselus (IPM)
Dødelighet på fugl eller pattedyr:
07.06.2024 1 død Gråmåke (Larus argentatus Pontoppidan) i taknettStatus VU
Veterinary health plan (VPH)
We have prepared a document to meet the requirements of the Veterinary Health Plan (VHP) in GlobalG.A.P. IFA, AB, CoC version 5.1. At the same time, the intention is to create a document that ensures that the operation of Gratanglaks AS's facilities, with regard to fish health and fish welfare, is in accordance with relevant Norwegian regulations, including the aquaculture management regulations.
However, the main purpose is to establish a living health plan that actively intervenes in production and changes in step with new priorities and challenges related to the production of salmon at sea.
Veterinary health plan (VPH) for Gratanglaks can be read here
Hentet fra
Location number
Each facility has a unique location number that is used to identify registered facilities.
Maximum allowed biomass is a provision given by the authorities that states how much fish a facility can have at any given time.
Last release of salmon
At a facility, fish from the same generation are released. In principle all fish will then be ready for slaughter in approx. the same time.
ASC certification status
Status of the ASC approval of the site.
Listed diseases
The Norwegian Food Safety Authority has established a list of infectious diseases to prevent and combat infection in aquatic animals. The breeders are obliged to report to the Norwegian Food Safety Authority in the event of an unexplained increased mortality and in the event of detection or suspicion of listed diseases.
Salmon lice status
Each breeder is required to register lice on the facility. This is done by weekly counting the number of lice on the fish in each cage at each facility. The numbers are then reported to the Norwegian Food Safety Authority. Counting lice helps the breeder to predict when a possible de-lice operation must take place so that the lice limits set by the authorities are not exceeded. The lice numbers are published on Barentswatch.
Other certifications
Gratanglaks focuses on sustainability, food saftey and safety for employees. To ensure our customers that we maintain good routines, we have chosen to certify our facilities through, among other things, the ASC standard, Global GAP and Whole Foods Market.
Deviation between released and slaughtered fish
After slaughter, the number of released fish is compared with slaughtered fish.
Coordinated control of salmon lice
To reduce spread of salmon lice from facility to facility, the breeders cooperate across each other. This is done through a coordinated plan for control and combat of salmon lice. Read more here.
Mortality in birds or mammals
Birds and mammals that live around a facility can be damaged and in worst case die from equipment associated with the facility. In that case, this must be reported with species, date and cause. Most cases occur when birds get stuck in the net that is over the cage. This net is to protect the salmon from birds, but unfortunately there are some birds that get tangled up and are unable to get loose again.